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“On the Banks of the Mahoning: How the River Shaped the Valley,” the first joint exhibit between Mahoning Valley and Trumbull County Historical Societies, will be on display at the Tyler History Center in Downtown Youngstown from June 15 through September 15, 2019.
“We’ve shared loaned artifacts in the past but MVHS is thrilled to be collaborating with our sister organization (TCHS) in creating this thoughtful exhibit,” said Jessica Trickett, Anne Kilcawley Christman Memorial Collections Manager for MVHS. Meghan Reed, Director of Trumbull County Historical Society describes this first joint exhibit as “an opportunity to tell more comprehensive stories through our geographic ties.”

The exhibit staged in the Youngstown Foundation Community History Gallery, explores the river’s importance to the indigenous peoples who originally inhabited this area, and how the early settlers found the waterway’s wealth of resources. Over time, the Mahoning River has transformed and been transformed by industry, transportation, and recreation.

The Tyler History Center is open to the public Tuesday through Sunday, Noon to 4:00 p.m. Look for details and other upcoming exhibits at our respective web sites, and

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